Friday, May 14, 2010

Spring Tuna Salad and Rhubarb Lunch

On a recent foray in Union Square market, I almost tramped on a school of third graders. Walking two by two and well chaperoned, the little gourmets took in the seasonal bounty as I did. There were a wealth of greens, nicely bunched in bouquets, green asparagus a galore as well as ramps, the new darlings of the in chefs and all the variety of potatoes produced in America. On the sweet side rhubarb stems and apples were nicely tucked under bright awnings. But the palm for diversity went to the florists. The season after all has just started and is still low-key. I came home happy with just the right mix to toss a spring tuna salad for 4. Instead of my usual pairing of rhubarb and strawberries, I decided to be a pure locavore and to forego the berries for the apples. I was happy to find on my way back a tiny shop, called Macaron on 36th street between Broadway and Seventh and splurged on lychee and rose macarons as well as chocolate. Yum!

Spring tuna salad
(Easy, Preparation and cooking time: 60 minutes, Cheap)
½ lbs (500g) tuna steak
1 bunch ramps
1 bunch asparagus
Bouquet of mixed greens
8 red or black new potatoes
For the marinade:
¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon sesame or olive oil
For the sauce:
1 tablespoon butter
1 shallot peeled and minced
1 bunch dill
1 glass white wine (120ml or 8 oz)
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 saucepan
1 peeler
1 strainer
1 mixer
1 salad spinner
Board and knife
1 frying pan
       Place the potatoes in the saucepan, cover with cold water, add a teaspoon of crystal salt and bring to a boil. In the mean time, cut the leaves of the ramps. Remove the very bottom part. Add the roots to the boiling potatoes. Wash and reserve the leaves. After 15 minutes place the content of the pan into the strainer and cool with cold water.
       Marinate the tuna.
       Cut off the roots and wash the greens until there is no earth left. Dry in a salad spinner. Lay at the bottom of the salad bowl.
       Cut the bottom stalks of the asparagus by breaking them gently. Peel the upper half. Place each peeled asparagus on a board and slice longitudinally as thin as possible. Layer on top of the greens.
       Slice the potatoes and add on top of the salad.
       Sprinkle the cooked ramps on top. Cut the ramp leaves and add to the salad.
       Melt the butter in the pan. Add the minced shallot and lower the gas. After 3 minutes add the wine and bring to a boil. Reduce the sauce until you have about 2 tablespoons left.
       Place in the mixer and add all the other ingredients of the sauce. Emulsify well until foamy.
       Place the frying pan on the gas. Sprinkle pepper on the tuna. In a hot frying pan, sautĂ© for 3 minutes on each side.
Place on a board and cut the tuna following the grain of the fish.
       Add on top of the salad. Before serving pour the sauce over the tuna.

Rhubarb and apple compote
(Easy, Preparation and cooking time:30 minutes, Cheap)
6 stalks of rhubarb
2 apples
1-inch piece of ginger
1/3 cup (80 g) of sugar
1 heavy-bottom saucepan with a cover
 1 paring knife
       Peel the rhubarb by cutting the bottom of the stalk and removing the strings attached. Cut in 1-inch pieces and place in the saucepan. Sprinkle the sugar on top.
       Peel the ginger and cut in small sticks. Add to the content of the saucepan.
       Peel and core the apples. Cut them in small pieces and add to the rest.
       Place on the gas and simmer for about 15 minutes. It is ready when all the fruit has melted.

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